viernes, 14 de junio de 2019

BARTER (Swap). I YinYangGod Father- Mother God, I say to all of you:

Barter (Swap)

I  YinYangGod  Father- Mother God, I say to all of you:

My pretty sons, today, I, God, am alive here on earth among you to improve the world and all the humanity that is in it.

Beloved sons, I, with my superior or spiritual wisdom of God, starting from this heavenly wisdom, I have the intend to direct positively everybody, so that we can work together from the exchange of services and products in a fair and equitable way. Sons, for this, we will use barter as a way of fair exchange.

Luminous sons, I, with my Celestial wisdom and guidance, I will teach everyone to develop the great capabilities that each one possesses, and starting from this, all will begin to work from the barter; which will be apply with me first (starting from the exchange with me), this as a form of fair learning.

Sons, you will start from me; from repay me or to exchange what is fair with me, as a way to you learn the balance or to be equitable. This is how I will be a good example; because you will give me what is right, for what you receive from me. And the same you will apply with others.

Sons, in this way you will learn to transform yourself for good, starting from my good example and practice with God. Thereby, I will give you proportional to what I receive from you, this as a way to create a good habit of fair exchange in all of you, so that you learn to value everything.

Kind sons, this is how I will teach you how to live better with my teachings or supreme knowledge. Sweet sons, because my ideal is that you become in big and prosperous beings, but that this comes out of the development of the human values ​​that each one possesses, which will become in the human quality of all.

Sons, and it's from there (from your human quality), from where you will start to create products and services to exchange with others in a fair way.

Escrito por:Yo YinyangGod  Padre-
Madre Dios. Hijos buenos, hoy yo Dios estoy vivo acá en la tierra entre ustedes para guiarlos por un mejor sendero, uno que les permita estar bien y ser felices de verdad.

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